Shayla's Rat Trap Game:
Catch as many rats as you can! The Timer counts up from zero and you get one point for each rat. I have not seen many new elements in Shayla's programming, and I don't think it got more difficult, but I enjoyed it because is was fun to try to get a lot of points.
Allie's Button Click Game:
Click the button as much as you can! The timer counts down and you get 1 point for each button click. Allie's programming is pretty simple and the difficulty didn't increase drastically. I didn't really enjoy the game because it was too easy.
Gabe's Timer Bomb Game:
Click the button to keep the bomb from exploding! The timer adds a second for every time you click the button, and when it reaches zero the bomb explodes. The programming was similar to what I did in my game with the timer and the difficulty didn't seem to increase. I didn't really enjoy this game because it was really simple and there didn't seem to be a way to win.