Thursday, October 22, 2015

Blog Reviews

Shayla's Blog:

I think Shayla's blog is very unique and personalized. She's included pictures and an archive of her posts, which makes it very easy to navigate the blog and find what you want.

Jessica's Blog:

Jessica's blog has a nice background and layout. There is a picture of herself as well as a bio and an archive. Her blog posts are titled well which make it easy to tell right off what they are about,and the picture and bio add a personal touch.

Allie's Blog:

Allie's blog shows both the computer she has and the one she would like to have, which I think fits the theme of the class nicely. She also has a "puppy of the day" extension, which I LOVE. I'll probably add something similar to by own blog.

Gabe's Blog:

Gabe's blog has a very dark background that makes it hard to see and navigate his blog layout. He has good, informative posts though. I like that he included a few pictures of his favorite things.

Paige's Blog;

Paige's blog has a moving fish gadget where the fish follow your cursor, and it entertained me for well over five minutes. She also has a daily calendar and well-written posts, and her layout is simple but pretty.

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